Friday 27 March 2009

Could reverse mentoring be used more by SME’s?

What is the difference between the Baby Boomers and the Millennials? The answer is face book, instant messenger, twitter, social networking and so on.

More so in the US, reverse mentoring, the processes by which traditional mentoring is flipped on its head with young people helping older people, is proving immensely popular. And it is easy to see why. The world is changing at a phenomenal rate with regard to social networking and for those of us that were not born into the social networking world, but rather migrated across, it can prove rather complicated and difficult to grasp.

Reverse mentoring is a fascinating approach to not only bringing the boomers up to speed on the latest social networking developments but will also act, if approached correctly, as a way for employees to connect, integrate and work more effectively as a team.

In the past, the older generation often had the knowledge, today, that knowledge is shifting and becoming more balanced. Websites, SEO, social networking, blogging etc.
For SME directors or managers unsure of this new world, look no further than your younger employees.

It will be amazing what you can learn, use, implement and create together!

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