Thursday 1 July 2010

Admob report on Iphone Apps June 2010

Should you build an iPhone App or Android App first?

In the May 2010 Admob report for the UK, a survey of 962 respondents showed that companies considering a mobile app should still start with building an iPhone app before moving on to building an Android app or building a Blackberry app.

Visit to build an iphone app online

iPhone v’s Android Market Share June 2010

The current market share of operating systems is as follows; iPhone 73%, Android 16% and Blackberry 7%.

What is important to note is that Android is increasing rapidly due to the number of phones that are available on this platform and also the availability of phones that are a) less expensive compare to the iPhone and b) are on a less expensive tariff compared to the iPhone.

Users of iPhone apps & Android Apps

Apps, be it iphone apps or Android apps are fundamental to the iPhone and Android phones. Both users of iPhone apps and Android apps regularly spend at least 79 minutes a day using apps according to Adbob. The most recent statistics also showed that people download on average 9 apps per month.

How much do you love your iPhone and iPhone apps?

The report also looked at how much people like either their iPhone or Android phone and found that of the people surveyed 91% would recommend the iPhone compared to Android users where 88% would recommend their phone. Remember that to date there are around 12 phones available on the android platform.
The statistics in this news article are taken from a survey based on 963 respondents in February 2010 recruited from the AdMob network. No incentives were offered for completion. Visit for more details.