Sunday, 15 March 2009

Instructacard Video

So you are still not using videos on your website!!!

Just recently marketing weeks editor asked the same question. She found it rather hard to believe that the majority of companies were not utilising video especially since the broadband is faster and youtube is such a success.
Many people have mentioned how obama used video to engage with the voters and quickly get his core message across...and do it time after time after time.
But how can SME’s utilise video?

As with all marketing, don’t just create a video. Create a plan and consider what outcome you require. So if you require increased sales of a particular product, then create a short video showing the product, how it looks and how it is used. Einstein’s theory of relativity, of which is truly mind bending talks about how the speed of an object can only be truly determined if it is measured relative to something else i.e. if you are sitting in car travelling at 100mph, how fast are you travelling? Well 0MPH if relative to the car but 100MPH if relative to the road. So what has this to do with product videos? Well product videos showing someone holding the product, using the product, enjoying the product create a relative backdrop. They help potential customers to see the product as if they were using it, moving it around, touching it and pressing buttons etc.
A picture paints a thousand words!

It is an old adage, but a good one. Let’s take something basic like directions to your company. Now let’s think about the customer process. They might log onto your website and click on the contact page. They are presented with a google map, directions and an address. They may even have SAT NAV and so, providing you are not based in London, they will find you with ease. But what if you showed a directional video? The video could show how to get to your company address from say 1 mile away or a landmark or main road. Your customer has a quick look at the video, maybe down loads it to their phone or ipod and bingo...they have a clearer image of where you are at the most crucial point.
There are literally hundreds of ways to use video to improve your bounce rate, increase your SEO and most important of all...provide something that your customers will find useful.

Let me know how video is working for your website...

Check out a golf video I produced at

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Call James Scott 07887772524

Black Sheep – Think differently about marketing!

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